Please click on the links below to download or view documents or files related to filing a claim with the Trust.
- Policy Regarding Outstanding Offers
- Policy for Non-Malignant Secondary Exposure Claims
- APG Amended and Restated TDP
- APG Refiling Fee Notice
- Notice Regarding Payment Percentage Increase
- Claim Filing Deadline Notice
- APG Asbestos Trust - EFA (required for login)
- Notice of Inflation Adjusted Claim Values
- APG ACH Payment Authorization Form
- Notice Regarding Prior Payment from USG Trust
- COVID-19 Notice - The temporary policies adopted by the APG Asbestos Trust in response to COVID-19 will no longer be tolled as of July 01, 2021
- Notice Regarding Prior Payment from USG Trust
TDP Claims
The Trust began accepting TDP Claims on 03/06/2014 8:00am EST
- APG ADR Procedures
- Claim Filing Instructions
- TPD Claim Form
- Qualified Jobsite List - Updated September 29, 2020
- Protocol for Additions to Site List
- Field Descriptions for Bulk Claim Upload
- Excel File for Bulk Claim Upload (new - 07/01/2018)
- Field Descriptions for Additional Exposure Records
- Excel File for Additional Exposure Records (new - 07/01/2018)
- APG Indirect Claim Form
Pre-Petition Liquidated Claims
The opening date for the Pre-Petition Liquidated Claims review process is 12/02/2013. Please refer to the User Guide located on the Instructions page after logging in.